Bengeo Magazine

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The January/February 2025 Edition

After all the festivities of the Christmas and New Year season we come down to earth with resolutions for 2025. Good luck with your dry January or trips to the gym.
In the cold, dark winter months of January and February please keep an eye on your elderly or vulnerable neighbours, especially those who live alone. There is a lively community spirit in Bengeo to help look after one another.
In this issue we also look forward to local cultural events at BEAM, the COPS Theatre and Courtyard Arts. As Bridget says, you may even find a Common Daisy in the winter snow.

A community magazine for Bengeo, Chapmore End and Tonwell

This is YOUR magazine and we want it to reflect Bengeo community life.  If there are any events that you wish to publicise or social groups, please let us know. Or if you just want us to link to you. We aim to be a co-ordinating point for all information about Bengeo. With your help we can achieve this. If you are contributing, please bear in mind that the magazine comes out every two months and the copy date is the middle of the previous month.

Further information